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Capturing The Summer

August 15, 2020

A Summer Portrait Guide to Locations

Summer! We love it! A time when our spirits seem a little higher, our mood a little lighter and the sunshine gives us energy to spring out of bed on light mornings and make the most of the long nights.

Every season has its merits when it comes to creating your perfect portrait but while we are soaking up this years’ welcomed rays we aim to bring you the best that this glorious season has to offer. Grab your deckchair, a refreshing tipple (mines a Passionfruit Martini) and happy reading!

Hitting the Beach

The beach is probably the most obvious place to start for a summer portrait. With its unique lighting, open skies and wide variety of natural textures, not to mention all of those nostalgic childhood associations, it’s no wonder it’s such a popular location.

Plus, it totally rocks as a blank canvas for a silhouette composition – look at this family of five strutting their stuff under that high, dazzling sun.


And if you take a step back from the shore you are often gifted with a fine palette of colours and solid wooden textures of a beach hut or two, brilliant for bringing that unmistakably British coastal vibe to your image.

Great Expectations

July 06, 2020

What to Expect from Kelly Hearn Photography

Want to find out a little more about KHP and how we can capture the perfect images for your big day? Then please read on… and if there is anything we’ve missed then please don’t be shy, drop us a line at [email protected] or give us a call.

Over 20 years of passion and experience plus a few lovely shiny awards to boot…

I’ve been involved in award winning wedding photography since I was 17. I shot my first wedding at 19 and became fully qualified a year later – so I come with over 20 years of experience.

I’ve always loved the photographic art form as a way of preserving important moments in peoples’ lives. In regards to human storytelling there is almost nothing more beautiful than a wedding day; family and friends coming together to share in the love of a couple is something so unique. Being there to capture these moments, working under pressure with some amazing and talented people is something I feel very passionate about. Real life, real love.

After having won UK Wedding Photographer of the Year and Avant-garde Wedding Photographer of the Year I took the plunge and set up my own business in 2011. My award-winning images (below) showcase the quirky side of my style but if you are looking for something a little more universal then you’ll be pleased to hear that ‘I do’ romantic too!


It's a Family Thing...

March 19, 2018

My take on family portrait photography

“Never work with animals or children”, they say. Well I do both. And I love it! My job is truly a privileged one which I will never tire of! If you have followed any of my previous blogs you will have noticed that much of my time is spent capturing brides and grooms-to-be, making the biggest commitment ever on arguably the most special and important day of their lives. This is an awesome honour for me to capture and, despite nearly two decades of photography under my belt, I still feel blown away every time a couple ask me to photograph their big day. Between weddings however, I am often found photographing glowing bump-laden mums-to-be, squeaky-new newborns, mischievous toddlers, sometimes harmonious / sometimes chaotic sibling combinations and character-filled families taking all forms, shapes and sizes. Sometimes the ‘family’ portrait shoot simply involves a single beloved pet, yet each and every opportunity to capture bonds of love between those considered precious, cherished and adored by their loved ones, is unique. It demands thoughtful preparation, good timing, the right environment and professional handling - to mention just a few of the key elements that need to be right when considering booking a portrait shoot. In this blog I will aim to unpack these elements a little to give you a headstart if you are thinking about why, how and when to have portraits taken. You need to feel confident about making the plans to capture your developing family in photographs and not fear the task and then miss the moments. Such crucial stages will be fleeting, can never be re-lived, and equally should never be forgotten, which is why now is the perfect time to get planning. 


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