01243 375551


October 11, 2020

Jade and Ayden’s ‘Would Have Been Wedding Day’ Celebration

Upwaltham Barns - West Sussex

The phrase ‘Would have been Wedding Day’ has certainly taken an upward trend this year due to the current pandemic we are enduring. We have totally admired how all our wedding couples have remained so positive through these times and adapted to the guidelines imposed, rearranging dates and making new plans, each in their own way.

One of our couples, Jade and Ayden, were due to tie the knot on the 22nd of August at the gorgeous Upwaltham Barns until restrictions were put in place causing them to rearrange until Spring 2021. When chatting to them earlier in the summer about their adjusted plans we suggested that they could create something special from the change.

They loved our idea of celebrating their original date and fully embraced seeing it as a day to remember rather than a day to forget. Here at KHP we feel there's always room for more celebration in life!
